

In consideration of gaining membership or being allowed to participate in the activities and programs at the core and to use its facilities, equipment and machinery, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge the CORE and it’s employers, agents , volunteers, representatives, directors and all others from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in such activities or programs or my use of such facilities, equipment or machinery, even if such damage or injury results from negligent actor omission.

I also understand that I should consult my physician before starting any physical fitness program I agree to adhere to all policies set by the CORE as communicated to me, posted in the facility, or that is written in the membership handbook. In the event that I or any of my family members fail to adhere to policies set by the CORE, I understand that my membership may be subject to suspension or termination. I understand that the CORE requires a change or cancellation form to be completed for me to make changes to my account. This must be filled out and signed to be effective. I understand that if my membership dues are withdrawn on the 1st of the month, a form must be completed by the 25th of the prior month, likewise if I draft on the 15th of the month,a form must be dated and turned in by the 10th of the current month to be effective. I also understand that should I choose to cancel my membership the joining fee will re-apply upon re-joining, no matter the amount of time absent. If I put my membership on hold, I understand that I can only do so for up to three months in one calendar year.

I understand that the CORE will annually review its pricing structure, which may result in an increase or decrease of my monthly fees or joining fees. I will receive a notice at least 4 weeks in advance, if any change is to happen. If I am participating in the income based scale (IBRS) I understand that I must provide verification of my income (most recent pay stub or tax return). I also understand that as anIBRS member, I must reapply and provide updated income verification, every year. Failure to reapply will result in my membership rate reverting to the full amount.

To help enhance the safety of the members, guests and staff in our facility, the CORE monitors the sexual offender registry. Persons on the registry will not be eligible formembership, guest access or program participation with the CORE. By submitting this application, I agree that the CORE my photograph or videotape me, and my family members. The CORE may use these photos to publish on media or marketing materials. I release the CORE from any claim or liability relation to that use, and waive all claims for myself, my heirs and assignees against the individual staff persons at the CORE.

If I am signing up for electronic payment, I hereby authorize the CORE to initiate the month credit or debit entries to my account indicated above. I understand this authorization is to remain in full force until I have completed a change form or cancellation form. Should my membership draft not be honored by my bank or credit card company, I understand that I am still responsible for that payment, plus a $10 charge applied by the CORE. This is an addition to any service fee my bank may charge me.